Episode 124: Growing Your Brand with Impact, with Angela Tsai + Cristina Castro


In Episode 124 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Angela Tsai, Chief Marketing Office and CEO, and Cristina Castro, Chief Commercial Advisor of GYBWI – Grow Your Brand with Impact (GYBWI). Together Sam, Angela and Cristina have a fascinating conversation about entrepreneurship, doing work that you love, and finding your identity outside the corporate framework. 

With a long career in management consulting and on the fast track for the C-suite, Angela came to realise she’d lost her passion. Through a series of fortuitous events, Angela found herself working in her own business, but with the same time constraints and pressures that she’d aspired to escape. That’s where GYBWI came in. 

Angela was joined by long-time friend Cristina, whose own background in big brands and professional services equipped her to work with the team and understand the challenges of shedding the ostensible security provided by big corporate. 

Together they are passionate about helping clients find their purpose in a way that aligns with an enterprise that can also make money. In this conversation they discuss with Sam the statistics around business success and failure, and the practical reality of needing to create a business around products and services that are truly in demand.  

Sam, Angela and Cristina consider the vulnerability required to understand and develop purpose and identity, and why it’s so important to align with your business model. Working with professionals and experts in their field, Angela and Cristina challenge the mindset of trading time for money, and seek to help their clients create better business models that are both self-sustaining and thriving. 

This compelling episode is sure to resonate, as it explores the need for accountability and consistency in approaching any worthy goal. Angela and Cristina share their learnings and the evolution of their business, and provide tangible evidence of the importance of alignment and authenticity in creating an impactful brand. 

What we cover in this episode 

  • The move from corporate to entrepreneurship 

  • The half in – half our mindset 

  • Simon Sinek’s “starting with why” 

  • Showing up as who you are 

  • The security of corporate 

  • The statistics of businesses that fail and why 

  • Testing your market 

  • The importance of active listening 

  • The discomfort of finding your purpose 


“What I know about the universe sorting yourself out is it always gives you what you need not necessarily what you want” Sam 8:27 

“If you've been an accountant or a lawyer for however long it's kind of your identity and you might miss the reason why you're doing it in the first place” Sam 1

“I believe that…when most people go into business a big part of it is to actually find their identity, so figure out how do they stand in the world without this big umbrella of your job title, the big company that you work with and all of these different things, and it is a really scary place and that's why business often feels so vulnerable” Angela 19:17 

“They're actually shields for us to really showcase what we know and we use these shields to disguise our own insecurities at times because those labels of what kept us secure and proud and kept our egos going” Cristina 26:02 

“It's one thing to find your purpose but it's another thing to align that with something that's actually going to make you money” Angela

“Your expertise is that special thing, that unique thing, that you mentioned earlier, the reason why people come to you, the reason why you do this uniquely and differently to everybody else in the market, only you do it your way and it's going to help people in a very sort of unique way” Angela

“You will absolutely make enough money if you can see the value in what you're giving to someone, and so it's really important that you find your market” Cristina  

Links mentioned 

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