Episode 25: What it means to be an In Demand Accountant?


Sam announces the change of name of the podcast from ‘Conversations with Sam Dean’ to ‘In Demand Accountant’. There's a couple of reasons for this, which Sam covers in this episode, as well as what Covid-19 has highlighted for our industry over the last few months.

Sam covers what it means to be an In Demand Accountant and gives an overview of the 7 characteristics, as well as sharing a bit about what’s coming up on the podcast going forwards.

Listen to a snippet

What we cover

  • Why getting to episode 25 of the podcast is so exciting

  • The original purpose of the podcast and how that has refined over time

  • The reason for the change of name for the podcast

  • What Covid-19 has highlighted for our industry over the last few months

  • What it means to be an In Demand Accountant

  • An overview of the 7 characteristics of the In Demand Accountant

  • What’s coming up on the podcast going forwards


“It’s not really just about the conversations, it's about how we become in demand accountants going forward.”

“It’s our mission here at BlueprintHQ that accountants are always in demand, whether that be as businesses directly to clients, and that we're in demand not just for our tax services, but central advisors too… Also that our businesses are employer of choice, so that we're in demand from the great graduates and other styles of people that might be coming into our businesses. And if you’re an accountant looking to develop, that you’re in demand as an employee of choice also.”

“What does it mean to be an in demand accountant? We've honed it down to seven characteristics. Some of these are aspirational, so it certainly doesn't mean that you're at this level now. As with any kind of skills or characteristics that you're looking for, these are something that we would build for.”

“These things aren't personality traits, they're all things that are very teachable and should constantly be worked with over time. They all take practice. And it's the practice in what you do every day that will develop these to go forward and be an in demand accountant.”

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Episode 26: Being masters of our craft (In Demand Accountant Part 1)


Episode 24: Efficiency through letting go of doing everything yourself, with Damian Scodella