Episode 83: We All Do Better Together with Matt Kreis


In this latest episode of The Business Habitat, Sam is joined by Matt Kreis, co-founder of Connect Collaborative, an enterprise focused on bringing people together to build meaningful connections based on trust and mutual advocacy. 

Taking the view that work is unnecessarily hard and that most networking is agenda-driven and siloed, Matt’s vision is to provide an example of what can be achieved when people deliberately set out to build a network of advocates who get to know, like and trust each other. 

Sam and Matt pose the question of why people are so willing to assist when times are tough and there is an obvious crisis unfolding, such as the Brisbane floods, and yet hesitant to lend a hand when everything appears to be going well. Matt tables his view that “we all do better together” and that there is a positive commercial outcome to be achieved when people proactively connect and collaborate.  

In the current economic climate, when so many businesses are struggling and mental health in the community is increasingly fragile, there’s never been a better time to tune in this discussion on working together and building your tribe. 

Listen to an excerpt

What we cover in this episode 

  • The intrinsic value of a strong network 

  • What do you really want? 

  • Work/life integration as opposed to work/life balance 

  • How to build trust 

  • The power of consistency 

  • Matt’s top tips on building networks 


“One of the most important elements of your business habitat as you go forward is your network“ - Sam

“The thing that gets me up every single morning, the very first thought that gets into my head, is that we all do better together” - Matt

“You’ll quite often have people who look successful, who need help and once you ask that question everything comes down, but we’re not trained how to do that and how to hold space for that.” - Sam

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting a massive big business and doing all that sort of stuff, and power to all who want it. You’ve just got to be clear on what you want. You, as a person.“ - Sam

“Hasn’t the world had a wake-up call on priorities lately? It’s no longer a weird thing to talk about, you’re not ostracized for talking about mental health or work/life integration“ - Matt

“The network you actually want, is the network that works for you. A network that knows, likes and trusts you, that finds and identifies ideas, opportunities, thoughts, insights, connections, that are contributing to what it is you are trying to achieve“ - Matt


Connect Collaborative

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Episode 84: Why You Need to Fall in Love With Your Numbers


Episode 82: Alignment is the Key to Resolving Leadership Fatigue