Episode 81: Addressing Leadership Fatigue Syndrome is an Internal Process


In Episode 81, Sam highlights the epidemic of leadership burnout that has been prevalent for decades and now with COVID is increasing exponentially. Sam draws on her own experience to discuss this important topic with compassion and honesty. 

While there appears to be widespread recognition that burnout is real and impacting both individuals and businesses at an alarming rate, there is little agreement on how to reverse this trend beyond corporate training and better technology. Quoting a recent Forbes article, Sam notes the statistics are clearly on the rise and yet the proposed solutions fall far short of addressing the real problem. 

These methods overlook the critical fact that leadership programmes typically deal with leading other people, not ourselves. With over 20 years of leadership training, Sam is well placed to talk to both the virtues and pitfalls of traditional courses and why we need something more intrinsic to deal with this escalating predicament. 

In this podcast Sam shares her experience of dealing with burnout and describes the clear steps she took to move forward and get honest about what she wanted and how to get there. With the view that all these problems are solveable, Sam opens the conversation that will be increasingly important as we navigate the months and years ahead. 

Listen to an excerpt

What we cover in this episode 

  • Leadership Fatigue Syndrome 

  • Forbes survey on leadership burnout 

  • Financial impact and emotional impact 

  • The value of alignment 

  • Addressing internal skills 

  • Creating space for what’s important 


“Forbes magazine has recently had an article that says 64% of leaders have burnout and thinking about cutting back, pre-COVID. Now that’s a whopping 82%“  

“The starting point is actually addressing our leadership fatigue and aligning ourselves as leaders. We are the crucial part of any business habitat that we want”  

“Remember, too, if you are building businesses, the people that you surround yourself with, whether they be clients, staff, etc, are the people that you spend most of your time with, so it’s really important“

“You can’t create time, but you can create space in your day”

“So, I can tell you for sure that if you start really looking at your own alignment to yourself and your own internal goals, it will be the first step to solving this fatigue“

Links mentioned

  • Forbes article - ‘Leaders and Employees are Burning Out at Record New Rates: New Survey’

  • Apply to work with us

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Episode 82: Alignment is the Key to Resolving Leadership Fatigue


Episode 80: Working Smarter to Build Your Business, in Conversation with Paul Jansz