Episode 5: Reimagining the Conversations We Have With Ourselves


Sam follows up from the previous episode’s focus on difficult conversation by diving into the hardest conversations any of us have: the conversations we have with ourselves.

In this episode, Sam explains why it’s so powerful and important to reimagine these conversations, carve out time and space to really listen to ourselves, as well as some of the reasons accountants, advisors and professional services experts don’t do this.

Sam also shares a personal story of how she recently created some space and time to reflect by going to a conference in the US and surrounding herself with successful, collaborative businesswomen. Sam shares the four things she learned from this trip about reimagining conversations.

Finally, Sam covers some tips and tricks to put some time back into your week or month to create the time and space you need to listen to yourself and why it’s important not to let this be a ‘once done’ thing.

The most important person in any conversation you’re having is you, and your energy and input is so important. Look after yourself and give yourself the space.

As always, remember to be kind, be brave and keep the conversation going.

Listen to a snippet

What we cover in this episode

  • The hardest conversation any of us have is the conversation with ourselves

  • Why it’s so powerful and important to reimagine the conversation we are having with ourselves

  • The need to carve out time and space to really listen to ourselves

  • Why we should be thinking about the WHO not the HOW

  • How you can think bigger than what you’re currently doing and what you want

  • The power of collaboration and conversation

  • Some of the reasons accountants, advisors and professional services experts don’t make time and space to do this

  • Some tips on how to create some time and space regularly in your life

  • A personal story of how Sam recently created space and time to reflect by going to a conference in the US

  • The four things Sam learned from this trip about reimagining conversations

  • Some actionable steps for you to reimagine the conversation you have with yourself


“For a long time, whether we're accountants or lawyers or any kind of professional services people, the more we bill, the more implied success that we have. So when we say, ‘I need to step back and take some time to myself,’ I think this is a very hard thing for us to do, because we can't bill it.”

“It is so important to create time and space to collaborate and have conversations with people outside what you do every day. E.g. people outside our industry, who might be able to bring some fresh aspects or people outside your current client base to see what you might be able to bring to your current client base or new clients.”

“Who can we get to help us with some of the ‘how’ that we need to do? Because we can't do it all ourselves, we don't have the skill sets to do it all ourselves.”

“Maybe reimagining the conversation with yourself could be something like, what if I could do this? What if I was working 40 hours a week or less? What if I could do that? What would that look like? What do I need and who do I need to do to get that?”

“One thing I would really like you to do when you're creating the space and thinking a little bigger, is to spend a little time reconnecting back to why you're doing what you're doing. When you're thinking bigger, or you're actually having this conversation with yourself, you need to go back to why you do what you do. What is it that actually inspires you to get out of bed every morning to help your clients or help your staff?”

“It's important to create some space and put some plans in to be using some of the questions that I went through in this episode. But also, you have to create space constantly in your every day.”

“Remember, the most important person in any conversation is you. Your energy and input is so important. So look after yourself and give yourself the space.”


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Episode 6: How to shift from an Expert to an Advisory Mindset in 6 steps (Part 1)


Episode 4: The Art of Difficult Conversations